赤き谷の記憶 Memories of the Red Canyon
Byleth: ………………。 …
Choice 1: もっと穏やかな場所だったような…… I remember this being a peaceful place… (Sothis ⤴)
Choice 2: いつの間に「赤き谷」と呼ばれるように…… Since when has it been called the Red Canyon…
Byleth: ………………。 …?
ソティス: うーむ……。この地に懐かしさを覚えるのは何故かのう。
Sothis: Hmm… I wonder why it is that you recall this place.
You must be weak of heart. Each time I speak, it scares you so.
Choice 1: ごめん I’m sorry.
ソティス: まったく……戦いが終わったからといって、気を抜き過ぎではないか?
Sothis: Although the battle’s at an end, do not feel too at ease.
Choice 2: 驚いた You surprised me.
Choice 3: 驚いていない I’m not scared.
ソティス: ほほう。わしを謀ろうというのか?隠し事ができると思うておるのが悲しいわ。
Sothis: Do you think you can lie to me? It saddens me to know you wish to hide such things from me.
ソティス: まあ良い。今はそれよりもこの谷じゃ。
Sothis: Well, anyhow… I am quite fascinated by this place.
As far as I can tell, this is your first time here…
Choice 1: それなのに懐かしい Still, it feels familiar.
ソティス: おかしなこともあるものじゃのう。もしや、わしの記憶がおぬしに……?
Sothis: How very odd. I wonder if somehow, my memories have... Hmm.
Choice 2: ソティスは来たことが? Have you been here before, Sothis?
ソティス: この谷にか? 一度来たら忘れられそうにない場所じゃが。
Sothis: Here? I daresay it would be impossible to have forgotten such as place as this.
ソティス: ……やはり、わからぬな。名前以外のことは、さっぱり思い出せぬ。
Sothis: I must admit I am unsure. Beyond the name and this strange feeling of familiarity, I can’t seem to remember anything about this place.
And yet… a great depth of emotion is tied to that sense of familiarity. Like joy and sorrow. Pain and love. And all things in between…
If I was somehow here before, I wonder what took place…
エーデルガルト: 師? こんなところにいたのね。そろそろ大修道院に戻りましょう。
Edelgard: Professor? I was wondering where you were... It's about time we headed back to the monastery.
ディミトリ: 先生? そろそろ大修道院に戻るぞ。こちらはみんな揃ってる。
Dimitri: Professor? We should return to the monastery soon. We're all ready for the journey.
クロード: 先生?何してるんだ、こんなところで。無事に帰るまでが課題だろ?
Claude: Teach? What are you doing here? We should get back to the academy.
ソティス: ……行かねばならぬな。ま、いずれ思い出すこともあろう。
Sothis: It is time to depart. But know that time reveals all things. One day, I will remember that which I have lost…
Oh, by the way. It seems you’ve earned my gratitude. The thieves who came here are no more.
Choice:1 感謝? Why are you grateful?
Choice:2 なぜソティスが? Why are you…
ソティス: 知らぬわ。ただそうせねばならぬ気がしただけじゃ。
Sothis: I am not sure myself, yet I am grateful all the same.
ソティス: それはともかく……
Sothis: You must become accustomed to my voice! If you fall down with shock each time I speak, that just won’t do.
In any case…
Oh… You think you’re standing strong? Of Course you are! It was a jest.